India has the second largest workforce in the world and soon will have the maximum work force. To govern disputes that may arise between work forces, Employment related legislations are important as they protect rights of employers and employees alike and hold persons accountable for their actions that are not right. Employment legislations can be categorized into two namely, i) employer-employee relations and; ii) service or working conditions such as wages, working hours, etc. Enactments such as Industrial Dispute Act, 1947; Trade Unions Act, 1926 are some legislations that take care of employer-employee relations while Enactments like Minimum Wages Act, 1948; Payments of Bonus Act, 1965 among many others govern the service or working conditions of the employment. Beside these laws there are laws being brought in recent past to address issues and encourage women, specially-abled persons among others to take active part in employment without facing any discrimination or problem. These laws consist of Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017; Right of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 among other laws.

We at our firm, provide advisory and consultancy as well as appear in labour courts and other forums to represent and resolve individual employee disputes, trade union disputes, workplace diversity issues, employment agreements and policies, and other disputes that comprise welfare, contracts and dispute resolution among the employers and employees.