Other than Courts and special Tribunals there are other dispute redressal mechanisms such as arbitration, mediation and conciliation which one may approach for speedy resolution of their disputes.

This field of law is the way forward for resolution of problems as the process is much faster than the Court system due to a sluggish judicial system on account of a hefty number of cases pending and long time to comply with the procedures of law. Court nowadays prefers to send matters for ADR where there is scope of some negotiations and settlement. This mechanism has been brought along the judicial system of the country through legislation such as Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 while also through provisions in existing legislations such as Commercial Courts Act, 2015 and Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. With the Court also promoting the ADR mechanism it is now being brought in all the sectors.

We at our firm, cover a wide range of sectors providing both advisory as well as representation services to all the stakeholders with alternate dispute redressal (ADR) with settlement talk, negotiations, commercial arbitration while also defending these claims before Courts or Tribunals or arbitration proceedings.